software to convert UNITS::

The converter software measurement units, can also convert the physical data according to the equations connecting them.

This conversion software units for measuring length, area, volume, flow, speed, time, energy, mass, acceleration, work, kinetic energy, strength, time, torque, pressure, viscosity, angles, trigonometry, temperature expansion .. comes free with the mecaflux software and simply click on "convert" in the mecaflux tool bar to open ..

if you have Mecaflux standard or Mecaflux pro3D, on your pc, the convert soft is already present in the standard menu tools mecaflux

free download (french version only, the english version is integrated in Mecaflux Standard english version)

Download free utility unit conversion software

If you want to use this software conversion without buying Mecaflux Standard, you can download it for free, it's complimentary to thank you for your visit to


Mecaflux Standard ( software helps fluid mechanics calculations )

Here are some screenshots of the "toolbox" mecaflux standard.. Covering many cases encountered in studies of projects related to fluids, Mecaflux standard will save you precious time.

The list of functions is detailed on page: list of functions mecaflux

lift and drag on oblique platesizing duct according flowcavitation detectionhead loss coefficient major lossesfluid viscosityminor head lossventuriminor head lossoperating point of pumpconvert normal cubic flowvalve head lossfriction surface boundary layer thicknessviscosity viscosimeterforce drag treepressure formuladrag old cardrag on shelldrag cd proshessea water characteristicmolar masssturated vaporcentrifugal forceoblong ductlift on airfoiledit naca airfoildrag on spherezepelin dragemptying tankdrag on elliptical cylindervalve head loss