Hydraulic head loss through a valve

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Detailed procedure for calculating losses in the gate valve, closed 1/8: - Select the tab elements pressure losses (minor head loss) and choose among the elements of piping the valve gate.

hydraulic head loss valve

  • - Density: 999.87 kg/m3 (water at 0 degrees)
  • - Gravity: 9.81 m / s ² (default)
  • - Flow: 0006 m3 / s
  • - Diameter: 40 mm
  • - The closing ratio / diameter: 1/8
  • - Click on calculate
the results sheet appears:

hydraulic head loss

-You can save your results in a detailed file by clicking save in the toolbar (it is proposed to add your file to an existing file, click yes and add to file example1) it is advisable to save all the results of the same network in the same file.. -Close the "result sheet" window, the results are displayed in the tab "elements pressure losses".
  • Your results are also accumulated in the inventory load losses: Note that the head loss inventory, retains and accumulates the calculated values ​​of the pipes friction pressure losses tab (major head loss) , and element losses tab (minor head loss)
- For the identical six elbows (180 ° turns are counted as two 90 ° elbows) of the example network, we proceed same manner as the valve.. We calculate the losses for an elbow at 90 degrees with the radius set to 40mm, the same value as the diameter.. To account for 6 elbows in inventory losses, select "edit line" and enter 6 in the number of elements at the elbow line.

inventory head losses

-To complete the calculation of the pressure loss of the segment example it remains for you to calculate the losses of the input and output tanks selecting "sudden exit tank" and "arrival in tank" and proceeding as previously
  • After calculation you should accumulate (92739 pascals) in the inventory of losses
Let us see how to size the pump of the network, so that the flow is assured ... size the pump of the network.

back to exemple internals flow

With mecaflux Pro3D, It is very simple to insert a valve on each branch to control the flow in the branch:

  • Select the conduct on which to insert the valve and right click to open the context menu:

balancing valve

  • Choose the type of valve and its degree of closure and click insert:

valve ramifications

  • If you want to change the degree of closure of the valve, the valve selected, this button activates the control valves, and gives you access to its modification:

change valve balancing branches branched network